Important Alert:

IHSS Providers with Healthy Worker Health Insurance will receive the 1095-B Health Coverage Form by the end of January 2025 through San Francisco Health Plan.

Please contact Healthy Worker at 415-547-7800 if you do not receive a copy.

Health & Dental Benefits

Health & Vision Coverage and Eligibility

San Francisco County IHSS Providers are eligible to enroll health and vision benefits through San Francisco Heath Plan Healthy Worker program. The coverage services include doctor visits, hospitalization, pharmacy, vision care and more. To qualify, state computer records must show you have worked and received payment for a San Francisco IHSS Recipient for 25 or more hours for the most current two consecutive months. This is an employee-based plan and does not cover dependents. For detailed information, please visit this website:

Coverage Termination

Your health and dental insurance will terminate once state computer records show less than 25 worked/paid hours for 3 consecutive months in San Francisco County. The Public Authority will send you a warning letter 45 days before your insurance termination date. If your insurance is terminated, you must complete a new application form and meet the corresponding eligibility criteria before your insurance can start again. It is important to submit your timesheets on time and keep 25 or more paid/worked hours to prevent loss of coverage.

Dental Coverage and Eligibility

San Francisco County IHSS Providers are eligible to apply for dental benefits through Liberty Dental Plan and offers two plan options LDP100 and EPO. To qualify, state computer records must show you have worked and received payment for a San Francisco IHSS Recipient for 25 or more hours for the most current six consecutive months. Coverage can be for yourself and your dependents (depending on Plan Selection). For more information, please visit the Liberty Dental Plan website.

Applying for Coverage

Applications are automatically mailed only to newly eligible IHSS providers. If you are an IHSS Provider and meet the eligibility criteria and would like to apply, you can request an application by:

  • Email: Send your email to with your full name and IHSS Provider ID number.
  • Phone: Call 415-593-8125 and state your full name, IHSS Provider ID, phone number and detailed message.
  • Applications are available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

Do you have more questions?

For detail information on Benefits, please review our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you still have questions email us at with your full name and IHSS provider ID number.

Frequently Asked Questions

Health & Vision Eligibility and Enrollment

Dental Plan Eligibility & Enrollment

  • Who is eligible for dental benefits?

    Any San Francisco IHSS provider who data records must show that you were authorized and were paid to work with a minimum of 25 hours or more for the most current six consecutive months

  • Which plan does San Francisco IHSS Public Authority offer for dental insurance?

    The San Francisco IHSS Public Authority offers Liberty Dental Plan. For more information about dental plans and coverage please visit online:

  • How do I get enrolled?

    Dental enrollment is not automatic. Newly eligible Independent Providers (IPs) will get enrollment invitation packets from Liberty Dental once you meet eligibility criteria. If you are an existing IP or you never enrolled, you can apply by requesting an application if you meet the requirements. If at some point you voluntarily cancelled your dental benefits, you can only re-enrolled during Open Enrollment which happens November 1st to December 12th of each year.

  • How do I know I am enrolled after I submit the application?

    Once you are enrolled, allow two weeks after your effective date has been granted to receive your ID card and welcome packet from Liberty Dental Plan. You should wait until you receive your ID card before obtaining any dental services.

  • When will my coverage start once I submit my Liberty Dental Plan Application Forms?
    • Application received on or before the 12th of the month, insurance will be effective the first of the following month. For example, if you send the application on January 10th, benefits will be effective February 1st.
    • Applications received after the 12th of the month; insurance will be effective a month after the following month. For example, if you send your application January 13th, benefits will be effective March 1st.
  • Can I choose my own dentist?
    • If you choose LDP100, you can select a dentist from the provider network provided in the enrollment packet. If you do not select a dentist, it will be selected for you based on your home zip code and language preference if you do not select. If you wish to change to another contracted dentist, you may do so by the 20th day of any month for the change to be effective the first day of the following month.
    • If you choose the EPO plan, check with the provider to see if they accept Liberty Dental Plan or by visiting Be aware that out-of-network doctor, you may have a higher out-of-pocket expense.
    • If you need assistance with choosing a provider for either the LDP100 plan or EPO plan please contact LIBERTY Dental Plan at 888-703-6999.
  • What is the best plan for me?

    The Public Authority offers two options for dental benefits:

    EPO Plan

    Allows you to pick from a large network of dentists. This plan covers 80% or more of the cost of most services with a Max Calendar Year benefit of $1000. This plan only covers the Employee.

    LDP 100 Plan

    Provides services through a smaller group of dentists with no co-payment for most services and you can add eligible dependents. To add dependents under the LDP100, you must submit supporting documents. Please see the eligible dependent and supporting document list below.

    View this link (PDF) for a Comparison of Benefits and decide which is the best plan based on your needs.

    Eligible dependent


    Legal spouse

    State issued marriage certificate, or current 1040 income tax

    Domestic Partners and their children

    Certificate of Registration of Domestic Partnership

    Children up to the age of 26

    Copy of a birth certificate, proof of adoption, foster care agreement or guardianship court order to be able to enroll your child or current 1040 income tax

    Dependent children over the age of 26 with disabilities who are dependent upon you for support and are not able to support themselves due to physical or mental disability

    Copy of birth certificate, IRS qualifying documents or SSI qualifying documents to be able to enroll your disabled child over the age of 26. Medical statements or legal documents can be considered.

  • How much will the plan cost me?

    You are required to pay a monthly premium contribution. The amount you contribute is dependent on the plan you enroll in:

    LDP 100 Plan

    • Employee Only - $1 per month
    • Employee + 1 dependent - $2 per month
    • Employee + 2 or more dependents - $3 per month

    EPO Plan

    • Employee Only - $2 per month

    In addition to your monthly fees, you may be required to pay a share of the cost for some of the services you receive. See the attached Comparison of Benefits for any additional co-payments that might be required.

  • How will I pay for my dental coverage premium?

    If you elect to have dental coverage, the premium contribution will be deducted from your 2nd paycheck each month.

  • Once I enroll in the LDP100 or the EPO, can I change my plan?

    It is important you choose the right dental plan that meets your needs in your application. Plan changes are strictly made during the annual open enrollment period only, which takes place from November 1st to December 12th of each year and is effective January 1st of the following year.

  • How can I cancel my dental insurance?

    You must fill out the Cancellation of Benefits Request form and email to or mail it back to 832 Folsom St, San Francisco, CA 94107.

  • How can I get my benefits coverage restored if I lose it?

    If you lose your benefits, you must re-qualify by working a minimum of 25 hours per month for six consecutive months. Once you meet these criteria, you can re-apply.

  • How can contact Liberty Dental with questions about eligibility and benefits coverage?

Dental Open Enrollment

Health/Vision and Dental Terminations & Cancellations

  • How long will I receive insurance benefits?

    The benefit plans you select will continue as long as you are providing IHSS services in San Francisco. If you work less than 25 hours for two or more consecutive months, you are at risk of losing eligibility for all benefits.

  • Why did I receive a warning letter?

    You received a warning letter because records show that you have not submitted your worked hour timesheet on time, and/or you do not have authorized/paid hours for two consecutive months. This letter will give you 45 days notification with a date when your insurance will be terminated. If you think this is a mistake, please email us with the correct information.

  • Can I voluntarily terminate my insurance?
    • Yes, click on the form below, fill out and return the Cancellation of Benefits Request form to
    • Cancellation requests received by the 12th of the month, dental coverage and premium withholding will end the first of the following month.
    • Cancellation requests received after the 12th of the month, dental coverage and premium withholding will end the next month of the following month.
    • If you voluntarily decide to terminate your dental coverage, you will not be allowed to re-enroll for dental benefits until the next Open Enrollment period. To re-enroll, you must also meet eligibility requirements, that is, have worked a minimum of 25 hours per month for the six previous months.
  • How do I reinstate my eligibility before my insurance gets terminated?

    If you worked and received payment for a minimum of 25 hours before insurance terminates, you must contact the number 415-593-8125 or email us at within 30 days from termination date to be re-instated.

  • Can I lose my benefits if I work in another county?

    Yes, if you no longer work in San Francisco, you will lose your insurance and you will need to apply with the county you are currently working. A warning letter will be sent to you 45 days before termination date.

  • If I lose my eligibility, can I purchase continued coverage?

    Yes, once your insurance terminates, you will be offered to purchase COBRA insurance through Health Equity. Federal law requires that all workers have the right to purchase their group coverage for a specific period after employment ends. This law is called COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985). You will be responsible for paying the full amount of premium to continue under this coverage. Once your eligibility ends, you will have 60 days to elect coverage with no lapse in coverage.

Other Information

Resources & Contact Information

Source Contact Information Reason to Contact
Benefits 415-593-8125
For benefits enrollment questions, cancellations, reinstatement, dental open enrollment.
SFHP Healthy Worker 415-547-7800
San Francisco Health Plan Website
ID card request, change PCP, coverage information.
Vision Service Plan (VSP) 800-877-7195 Vision coverage information.
Liberty Dental Plan 888-703-6999
Liberty Dental Website
ID card request, change PCP, coverage information.
WageWorks Cobra 888-678-4881 Continue health and dental insurance after benefits have been terminated.
IPAC 415-557-6200 Payroll, timesheets, IHSS enrollment completion.
Union SEIU2015 855-810-2015 Additional dental plan, union fees, etc.
DAAS 415-355-3555 To reach consumer social worker.
PA Registry and On-Call 415–243-4477 Work opportunities.

You may also download & print the FAQs information inside
our PDF packet for the Health Benefits and Dental Plan Enrollment:

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