Registry Services

The Public Authority Registry matches Consumers with trained, qualified care providers and provides on-going support for those in need of an In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Provider. Consumers are matched to homecare Providers according to location, language, the consumer's approved tasks, work schedule and other job-related preferences. A list of matched Providers is sent to the Consumer, and then Consumers contact and interview Providers to make their hiring choice.

In addition to helping Consumers find a Provider, registry counselors are also available to assist Consumers in setting Provider hours, answering IHSS questions, communicating with Providers and other information and referrals.

Steps to Finding a Homecare Provider


IHSS will refer you to the Public Authority for help finding an Independent Provider.


A counselor from the Public Authority will call you to learn more about your homecare needs and your language and personal preferences for a Provider.


You will be given a list of five (5) Providers that the counselor has matched to your needs and preferences.


You will call and interview these Providers to determine which you think is the best fit for you. If you have questions along the way, you can call your counselor.


If you feel you would like assistance in determining your needs, interviewing or hiring a Provider, the Public Authority has a Mentorship program to help you.

“Because of [my IHSS Provider] I feel much more comfortable having people over, even for a brief hello. Before I had an IHSS worker I felt too self-conscious to have people over. I also feel more confidence when I meet people in the community, especially in the social justice organizations I belong to. I just feel more responsive and ready to act” Donald

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